Monday, June 9, 2014

Monday, June 2, 2014

WIP: Thundertusk

Another quick hit on the Thundertusk. Things were moving fast getting ready for the model contest, so I don't have as many WIP pics as I'd like.

WIP: Wight King

Trying to figure out how to make it apparent to the view that he is "transforming." I wondered what eldritch effects would look like, and I settled on Moot Green from GW paints outlined with white. It contrasted enough with my "regal" color scheme that I figured it would make the most sense. Since the head is the most recognizable part, I tested there first.  What do you think?

Sunday, June 1, 2014

WIP: Thundertusk

A few quick hits on the 'tusk.

WIP: Wight King

Getting the Wight King ready.

WIP: Thundertusk

Another contest WIP. This is for the "Large Creature" category. Originally, I was drawn to this creature because it reminded me of the Bullymongs from Borderlands 2. The resemblance has colored how I want to do my paint scheme, pun intended. The plan is to make this a mountain creature, with snow on the base and white-ish blue-ish fur to give it that icy, chilly look. First, gotta build him in sub-assemblies, here's the first part.

WIP: Wight King

Quick WIP shots of my Wight King. I'm doing this kit for another model contest, but to help it stand out, I've decided to do a little something extra to it. The goal behind this kit is to make him "transform" from the old skeleton/wight creature into the man he once was. I have picked up the head of a Reiksguard Knight to put into the cowl, which will be the main focal point of the kit, where the skull morphs into flesh. I plan to dremel out about half of the skull and slip the head of the Knight into the spot.

Model Showcase: Witch King/Nazgul from Lord of the Rings

Stay off the road!

Model Showcase: Nurgle Chaos Lord

The nastiest guy you'll meet that's NOT at your local comic book store.

Model Showcase: Ork Stormboyz

Lots of bitz to choose from to make things go fasta!

Model Showcase: Ghost Rider (SD Garage Kit)

The Penance Stare has never looked so cute!

Model Showcase: Hulk (Dragon Models)

My second in the Dragon Models vinyl line!

One Hour Paint Competition

A fun little friendly paint competition at my local GW store.

Painting Minis

If you've come here looking for my minis that I've painted, and curious why my page is mostly full of super hero garage kits, read this post about why war gaming miniatures have captured my attention in full, and why I've decided to paint these almost exclusively for fun, and hopefully, for a few commission pieces as well!

Model Showcase: Chaos Space Marines Biker

Out for a Sunday drive.

Model Showcase: Skeletons!


Finally, some minis!