Tuesday, May 12, 2015

WIP: Eldar Crimson Hunter - Clear Colors

Time to make this a little cooler looking.

So now that the chrome has dried, its time to give the vehicle some character. I wanted to go the traditional red/black route as most photos of this that I've seen, but put my own spin on it, so I decided to try black chrome from Alclad, and their clear red as well. Turned out, I used neither.

Alclad's Black Chrome color...is misleading. All it looked like after spraying on was a very dull version of the chrome I had already sprayed. Using a clear black was out of the question; it would only tint the chrome, not make it black. So, I masked off the areas I wanted to be black, and just did traditional gloss black back over them:

Once that was done, I masked off the areas to be red and was ready to do Alclad's Transparent Red on top. I've used this color before on their Pale Gold, but apparently, it reacts with the Chrome paint, so it requires a clear coat before application. However, clear coating Alclad Chrome in anything will dull the finish. So, knowing that acrylics can be safely painted over lacquers (like Alclad), I used Tamiya's Clear Red instead. Just two light passes got me this:

After that, I just traced the panel lines with a wash, and its ready to go! I was originally going to base this and display it, but have since decided to try to sell it due to shelf size restrictions (meaning I'm out of space). So, the base work won't happen since I don't want it to be damaged while shipping. I'm going to take some final shots of it, and then she's off to a good home! If you're interested, send me a message before it goes on eBay. Thanks again!

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