Monday, February 2, 2015

WIP: Dragon Models Batman Part 2

Learning to paint in shades of dark gray.
Back to the Batman. I have yet to glue any of the pieces down. They fit pretty snug when dry fit, which allows me to spray him as a whole piece, or remove pieces that need individual attention. So I took the cowl off, and sprayed it with my nearly black gray mix, then used silly putty to mask (get it! MASK!?) off the actual cowl while I panted the skin:

Using Silly Putty as a masking agent is a so-so endeavor. Terrible if you need a straight line, but gets in the nooks and crannies easily using a toothpick, and peels off easily too. If you do too thick of a coat, however, it is VERY likely to take some of the paint with it, so be careful there. Anyways, you can form it into shape pretty easily, which is why war modelers  use it a lot for camo. Here's the end result after the skin tone is applied:

I finally wrapped up by applying a thin wash to the mouth and lips to create a mild transition of color. its easy to make your kits look like they're wearing lipstick. Also painted the eyes in typical fashion, and the head was ready!

While I was working on that, I was also trying to get the details of the Bats finished on the main body. As I noted earlier, his outfit is actually only black in a select few spots, and has some carbon fiber and charcoal/rubber aspects to it. So I sprayed my mix of gray/black all over, and highlighted with the airbrush the spots that would be reflecting light the most. You can see here I've also picked out the rib/chest areas with the carbon color, which looks odd, but is actually there. I mixed a brown/gray/steel metallic combo together to get the color needed, and then went to work painting the underweave section black to offset the colors of the main pads:

Finally, I took the utility belt and (extremely large) batarang and hit them with Alclad Pale Burnt Metal after putting a gloss coat on them to enhance the shine just a bit:

After picking out a few details, and adding some small washes, this guy is almost done. I'm working on doing the base a different color...usually I leave my Dragon bases bare in their molded black plastic, but I'm going to try a metallic with this one. I've base coated it in Alclad's gloss black, and am going to try to work on using the Black Chrome color for it later this week after its sufficiently dried. Never seen Black Chrome on a kit, just Alclad's test shot promo picture, so it will be an adventure for us all. Until then!

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