Friday, August 14, 2015

WIP: Stormcast Eternals - Update 2

Not much to say, but I will show some progress pictures!

So I discovered that after about 4-5 different minis into the batch process, my brush begins to give up the ghost a bit and lose shape, so I decided instead of doing ALL the gold, then ALL the shading, etc., I would instead focus on a group at a time and get them complete. I started off with the Lord Relictor and the Retributors (only two pictured, one of the three was my completed test from earlier), and the head Liberators, which rounded out to a nice five models.

There are hundreds of sites that go into exactly how to paint these in "official" Sigmar colors, so I won't go into too much gory detail. They were primed, based in Retributor Armor Gold, washed and highlighted, etc. Just bringing them up to normal standard.

One thing I did do that was a bit different was add flame to the candles. I used some water effect scenics (ironic, no?) to create a small, upturned flame. This stuff is essentially REALLY thick glue that dries clear, so for about 15 minutes, they look white like this:

Then after they've dried clear, I applied clear yellow and orange paints to them. The effect is very subtle, and when it catches light, looks really good. Its not a game changer, but one of a few subtle differences to make this army stand out a bit.

Next I just did all my shadows and highlights on the models. Fairly standard stuff for what you've seen so far. But even standard can look good when time and care is taken:

For basing, I wasn't going to go overboard, just some of the GW texture paint (can't recall the color name) which was washed then drybrushed a few different light browns and grays. I brought it up to a gray to let the tufts of grass stand out a bit more. Too much brown, and the grass blends in and you can't really see it. This picture was before I realized it and I brought it up another level of gray to further set the grass into the foreground:

And that's about it. Next few posts will probably be mostly wordless, as this method will repeat itself over the next few models. But I will post progress pics as I go. Thanks and enjoy!

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