Monday, August 31, 2015

WIP: Khorne Bloodbound (Games Workshop Age of Sigmar)

Moving on to the Khorne Bloodbound!

So I need to finish the Age of Sigmar box set for my client by around mid-October. I set a deadline for myself to have the Stormcast Eternals done by the end of August. I was able to finish with the weekend to spare, so my new goal was to get all of the Bloodbound built by the end of August. I THEN had an unexpected time boon, so building went fast, so I tried very hard to get one test piece fully painted to get the process down before starting batches. That piece was the Lord of Khorne himself.

I didn't take many WIP shots, since GW themselves go into how to paint this guy, but I'll dive in a bit. He's base coated with Khorne Red (obviously), then gold was based with Balthasar Gold. All this was shaded and highlighted ad nauseum. I'd probably go into a bit more detail and take more WIP shots if I didn't have a deadline, but I see 30 something models and start thinking I better put the pedal to the metal to get them done in time.

So that being said, here's the shots I took of him:

I used Vallejo Black Lava paste for the base, then drybrushed with Screaming Bell. I've found in a few past models that metallics can give a "scorched" look when used sparingly, sometimes more so that standard reds, oranges and yellows. My test base drybrushed with standard colors looked like a picnic condiment spill. The reddish copper on black can be seen as either a weird alien turf, or a charred, still smoldering section of planet. Either way, the darker base should denote the more sinister army, while the Stormcasts received a lighter, more natural earth tone to set them both apart visually.

Now that we kind of know what goes where, its time to get started on the army proper!

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