Wednesday, May 18, 2016

WIP: Bandai X-Wings

Been a bit since I've reported in, so time for a quick catch up!

Not much new to report, as I've been a bit busy as of late, and there's potential of us selling our house, which can possibly mean I have to store my work bench, which would shelve model building while its being shown. But for now, we press on when we can!

Masking at this point, is what's taking forever. Lots of individual panels that alternate in color, and some stripes that don't adhere to panel lines at all. That's been extremely slow going, especially doing two of them at once.

I am not using the decals to "paint" my X-Wings. Colors don't quite match between the plastic and the decals, and its just not as potentially accurate or will it looks as good. So we're painting the blue/orange parts. I started by putting Tamiya tape over the decals for the stripes, tracing them out, and cutting a mask.

Once the masks were (tediously) laid down, I sprayed, and here's the end result of the Resistance fighter! Haven't started the orange paint on Poe's yet, but we're getting there.

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