Monday, July 27, 2015

WIP: War Machine - Getting ready

Slow moving on this part.

Trying to get moving on War Machine. I'm not sure how long it took Tony Stark to build this armor, but it feels like an eternity to me. Partly due to scheduling real-life things during the summer, as my job keeps be extremely busy for these 3 months, and we've rebuilt and repainted everything in the hobby room, meaning I've spent a lot of time assembling furniture, and not painting. So not a lot in the updates.

As you can see above, was able to part out most of the sub-assemblies and get them ready for primer. I then primed them all up with black:

As you can see, I got a little impatient and did a few of the pieces in Alclad already while the other pieces dried. I also masked up the mid torso as I talked about earlier, and got it ready for primer as well:

As of now, everything is primed and has its first coat of Alclad on it, but didn't get a chance to take a picture of that. Next up is masking off the parts to remain the "pure" metal tone and spraying gun metal over them.

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