Monday, May 25, 2015

WIP: SAFS Snowman / Bowser (Wave) - Weathering and Bowser

Getting close to the final castle!

Spent the day getting this closer to finished. I started by priming the actual Bowser piece (picture after I applied my green base coat):

From there it was pretty typical miniature painting. Working from the inside out, I painted, washed, and layered the various colors. He came out a good bit darker than the original paint job, but also truer in color. I had to repaint him for two reasons: Number one, because when I puttied him, I'd have to color match the piece and that would be pretty difficult, and number two, because if I didn't repaint that, it wouldn't be my work. Here's the almost completed result:

In between coats of that drying, I started weathering the Ma.K piece itself. I ripped off a small piece of a makeup sponge, and dipped it in some Rhinox Hide Citadel paint. I then dabbed off the majority of it, and took some tweezers and randomly applied the paint to the edges and other places where wear would occur. I also got some weathering compound and made some rust and oil trails:

And here's the mock up thus far! Still have some more paint chipping and washes to apply. Should hopefully finish in a day or two.

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