Sunday, May 3, 2015

WIP: Tau Devilfish - Base work

Almost done here, folks!

So doesn't look like a lot of progress on the Devilfish, but it was about another day's worth of work just washing the panel lines and picking out small details. I did the engine vents, all the small panels, picked out a few silver parts, etc. Decided against doing any major weathering. I did a test piece on the underside and wasn't real happy with it. The camo scheme is so "busy" that added weathering, to me, detracted from it more than added to it. I wasn't going to go wild with the weathering anyway, as to me the Tau were a "cleaner-burning" species than humanity's diesel counterparts.

So, its time to base the thing. I originally was going to do some cool stuff and use clear styrene rod to support it from the thrusters, until I realized how large that was going to make the base. So, I scrapped that idea and just decided to use the original base that came with it. I started by priming the whole thing in black, then decided to try out my pumice paint, as I'd never used it before. Worth a shot, as the base is kind of swallowed by the footprint of this thing anyway. I just got a paint spreader tool and went to town:

Then, not really knowing the properties of this "paint," I added some debris from various other kits and just stuck it in there:

And here we are, 24 hours later and this stuff is drying very slowly. The edges have dried up, but the center is still pretty much oatmeal. Its fun to experiment and see what this stuff can do at least. Once its done, I'm just going to prime it all up, and do some really quick paint work on it to finish this piece up. At least I was able to get the underside of the Crimson Hunter sprayed and re-enclosed for a week's worth of dry time.

Again, thanks for looking!

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