Wednesday, May 6, 2015

WIP: Thor (Dragon Models) - The Details

Getting the Headless Norseman ready to be completed.

I've finished the Devilfish, but I'm getting a new backdrop for my photo area set up, so while I wait on that, I'm working on Thor and a few other things. Time to get to work!

I have three separate sections of Thor I'm working on; the body, the head, and the cape. I have the cape primed in white (as you can see above), but I'm working mainly on the other two areas. As one dries, I move to the other, and bounce between them.

For the body, I'm basing it off the Dark World movie costume (that the kit is technically made from), but giving it a mix between that and the Avengers movie so it can just look good, but not necessarily "screen accurate." I mixed up a custom charcoal-ish color with a few different paints, some black, gray, and blue all thrown in to give the color a little more character than plain black, and did most of the body work with that. I plan to wash the lines and edge highlight, but the detail is so varied and busy that I'm not sure doing much color-wise would be, well, wise without drowning the whole thing in business.

The Avengers costume has all the metallic parts in silver, while the Thor movies have the arms and legs in silver, but the chest and trim in more of a bronze. So I got some gold buffing compound and lightly rubbed it on the chest and trim silver areas to tint it just enough to differentiate it from the arms, but not so much a huge difference like the I split the difference.

So while this is going on, I'm working on the head. I used Vallejo paints way back when trying a new thing. I've since eschewed Vallejo paints as I don't care for the way they flow. I showed the effect a few weeks ago but this is what it looked like base coated, airbrushed with various tones mixed together:

From there, I lightly brushed pastel chalk onto the lips and stubble area to create subtle coloring effects, while picking out the eyes with small blues and red washes to create the lines to separate the colors:

While the picture is a little blurry and washed out, the effect looks really good in person that I'll get some close ups of soon. Next up is finishing the details on the body and getting the cape complete. Thanks for stopping by!

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