Monday, December 14, 2015

Monday, November 9, 2015

Monday, October 19, 2015

Model Showcase: Grey Knight HQs (Lord Kaldor Draigo and Brother Captain Stern) (Games Workshop)

Two weekend project models for a client's Grey Knights army, more pics in the link!

Model Showcase: Stormcast Eternal Retributors and Judicators

More pics in the link!

Model Showcase: Exalted Deathbringer (Games Workshop)

A "tag along" kit with the other Sigmar box set I did for a client.

Model Showcase: Khorne Bloodbound (Age of Sigmar) Pt 2

Pics of the larger individual models, just click the link!

Model Showcase: Khorne Bloodbound (Age of Sigmar) Part 1

Final pics of the evil faction armies after the break!

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Been a while....

So its been a bit since I've last updated. I can blame two things on this: The Khorne Bloodreavers and Mario Maker.

Basically working hard on the 20 Khorne Bloodreavers. They're rank and file guys, but lots of odds and ends on them, so while I'm trying to batch process them as much as possible, they're still very time consuming as I pick out all the details (and sometimes try to figure out what the details are...), and not the most photogenic models ever...hence the lack of updates. I've decided, since when they're done I'm done with the box set, I'll just do a final update with the studio pics.

And Mario explanation needed. Its a really fun game. Drop me a message if you want to see my levels, haha!

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Monday, July 13, 2015

How To: Filling Larger Gaps with Putty

Now "seams" like a good time to show how to fill larger gaps with putty. Get it? "SEAMS!?"

WIP: War Machine (Dragon Models)

A "proof of concept," if you will, to get a feel for Dragon's Iron Man armor kits before starting on the ones I really want to do my best on.

Monday, June 29, 2015

WIP: Stormtalon Part 2 (Games Workshop)

After a week off working hard in "real" life, I got some free time over the weekend to get some paint down.