Monday, May 19, 2014

Model Showcase: Ultimate Nick Fury (Diamond Select)

Last of the Diamond Select Prepaint line, unless I get the box back out of the closet.

This was, at the time, Ultimate Nick Fury, but as the popularity of the characters soared, the Ultimate version became more popular through film as Samuel L. Jackson, and now people think of this version first when you say "Nick Fury." I'm good with that.

So, Ultimate Fury was very underhanded. Think Vic Mackey from the Shield TV series. He would do whatever it took to get his job done, even if it meant being a villain for the greater good. The original prepaint had him holding a knife in his hand, and a gun behind his back. I thought this was out of character. Ultimate Fury would be a little more sly than that.

I removed the knife and replaced it with photos, dossiers, and mission briefs instead. Seemed more in character...give somebody a target (Banner, in this case if you look closely enough) but have a gun behind your back, ready to double cross somebody if it meant the greater good.

Not a lot can be done with such a leather and black-clad character, but I tried to differentiate the jacket and the shirt by drybrushing and washing different colors and different mattes and glosses to achieve different effects. I think it came out decently. You can view the original here.

Another funny story: This is actually the SECOND version of this bust I owned. I usually put my prepaints in a solvent to strip the paint off and start anew, but my first version, the material he was made from (a porcelain type resin) wasn't fully set somewhere, and he began "leaking" for lack of a better word, for weeks. I tried everything I could to stop it...I let it dry, I tried plugging the "leak" with putty, etc, but some tacky substance continued to ooze out from his back, making painting impossible. Oh well, bought a different one.

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